Introducing our new Filthy Animal-Jon Carson.
Jon is our first overseas member, coming to us all the way from Lamb Island (sounded good to say overseas though hey?!)
Jon’s best known for his work with 1927 and Kevin Borich Express but has also played with Russell Morris, Jimmy Keays, Daryl Cotton, Angry Anderson, Tommy and Phil Emmanuel, Stevie Wright…in fact Jon thinks he’s probably played with nearly every Australian major touring act in his 45 year career!
Both Jon’s parents were in The Qld Symphony Orchestra so music, quite literally, is in his DNA…he even started teaching drums at just 16!
Jon’s so heavily influenced by his parents’ classical music background that he tears up if he hears a beautiful violin piece – so no violin around this one please, we can’t have a crying Filthy Animal!
Welcome Jon, it’s exciting to have you on board this crazy train!